Food Fighter Juice
Food Fighter Juice
The Milk House by Gost Vapor
Humble Juice Co
Milk King
The One Eliquid
Food Fighter Juice
Food Fighter Salt
The One Eliquid
Food Fighter Juice
Vaper Treats Salt
The Milk Monster Liquids SYN
BSX Vapor Salt
The Mamasan Salt
The Milk Monster Liquids SYN
Anarchist E-Juice TFN
The Milk Monster SYN Salt
The Mamasan E-Liquid
The Salty One - Beard Vape Co
BSX Vapor
BSX Vapor Salt
Strange Fruit
The Milk Monster SYN Salt
The Salty One - Beard Vape Co
The Milk Monster SYN Salt
Anarchist TFN Salts
BSX Vapor Salt
Pod Juice E-Liquids
Cereal Flavor Ejuice is nothing new to market but you get to relive your favorite sweet cereals from your childhood. Cereal e liquids are blended with various oats, sweeteners and milk to replicate cereal favorites. The most popular cereal combination is creamy milk with fruity cereal, however, other companies have combined cereal and dessert together. Choose your favorite flavors in our collection today!
Based on the popularity of cereal-inspired e-juices, it’s safe to say that we all crave that sugary taste long after we enter adulthood. At Vape Society Supply, you’ll find one of the widest selections of cereal flavors out there. From e liquids that are directly inspired by the popular cereals of our youth to truly unique flavor blends that take breakfast to the next level, our cereal collection is as diverse as it is massive.
Only at Vape Society Supply will you find so many cereal flavors that each tantalize in their own special way from brands such as Cuttwood, ANML, Breakfast Club, and more! Each juice is high in quality and full of outstanding flavor.