VCT Pistachio Ripe Vapes E-Liquid 60ml Review
Ripe Vapes has made quite a name for itself over the years by constantly supplying us with outstanding tobacco-inspired e-liquids, particularly from their VCT collection. One of the most exquisite of all is VCT Pistachio Ripe Vapes E-Liquid. This is a truly enticing take on the brand’s flagship vanilla custard and tobacco blend, supplying buttery pistachios that perfectly complements the natural nuttiness found in fine, expertly cured tobacco leaves.
How the Inhale & Exhale Feel
Starts out with the richer and more buttery side of pistachios, paired with the smoky and nutty undertones of cigarette tobacco. Both flavors weave together beautifully, as a hint of vanilla custard emerges, becoming dominant leading up to the finish, where you’ll be seduced by its silky creaminess and the sweeter side of the pistachio note.
Some Deluxe Clouds
VCT Pistachio vape juice from Ripe Vapes E-Liquid comes in a medium-sized bottle and provides vapers with some magnificent cloud chasing productions, thanks to having a 70/30 VG/PG base.
The Perfect, Classic Trio of Notes Gets Even Better!
Overall, if what you crave is a luxurious wonderful experience from beginning to end, you gotta grab this immaculate E-Juice today while it lasts. So amazing, you might wanna make it your next ADV.
Package Contents Include:
- 1 x 60ml bottle of VCT Pistachio By Ripe Vapes
VG/PG: 70/30
Flavor Profile: Vanilla Custard, Tobacco, Pistachio